Tina Escaja (aka Alm@ Pérez)
poetry in the intersections with technology. digital art.
Follow the links below for further explanation of each piece:
- Robopoem@s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD2SVwVf7CA&t=2s-
- Robopoem@s (interface). https://proyecto.w3.uvm.edu/robopoems/Robopoemas2020.html-
- Una, Grande, Libre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvn_NLdrA_U&t=1s-
- Código de barras / Bar Codes project. https://proyecto.w3.uvm.edu/htm_cdb/index.htm
- Alter(ed) Ego. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ9kRpReigQ-
- "Te envolveré en terciopelo” (I’ll Wrap you Up in Velvet”). Stained glass-poem. In collaboration with Lawrence Ribbecke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PqRBSW-Uf8-
- Mar y Virus / Virus and the Sea. An "oleatory” poem/project. https://proyecto.w3.uvm.edu/maryvirus/MaryVirus.html
- Mar y virus / Virus and the Sea. Leave your testimony: https://proyecto.w3.uvm.edu/do-over/mary/maryvirus/together.html
- A FABs Feminist Manifesto in Times of Coronavirus. A FABs file cabinet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6NGmYG_xCM-
- LED Poem. (Gif)- Conciencia TAG/TAG Consciousness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI_gxrR1Z3c
More at www.tinaescaja.com
Woman Owned
Lighting & Electronics