Cart Vendor Incubation Program
What is the Cart Vendor Incubation Program?
The Burlington Cart Vendor Incubation Program is a partnership between The City of Burlington's Business and Workforce Development Department, Micro Mobile Kitchen, and the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity. It gives would-be food vendors a season to incubate their business concept. Food vendors ready to take the next step to consistent cart vending on the Church Street Marketplace receive access to a commercial kitchen for food storage and prep, an electric food cart for vending, and business mentoring and counseling provided by program partners.
Meet our Partners
Micro Mobile Kitchen
MMK is the main implementor of this program, providing kitchen and cart access as well as mentorship for participating businesses. The MMK operations include the use of a fully electric cart, and a licensed, commercial kitchen, and the owner Daryoush Khamnei is an experienced food vendor and caterer providing mentoring to new food businesses. MMK builds and operates fully electric and clean energy food carts right in Burlington, Vermont!
Business and Workforce Development
Burlington's Department of Business and Workforce Development (BWD) provides wraparound services to businesses at all stages through inclusive efforts that support our local economy, develop our workforce, and engage our community. As the department manages the Church Street Marketplace, BWD supports this program by providing a vending location on the Marketplace and identifying sponsors.
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
CVOEO's Micro Business Development Program offers personalized one-on-one coaching, technical assistance, and group workshops to help businesses start and grow in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties. For this program, CVOEO assists in identifying cohort candidates, provides technical assistance, and serves as the fiscal agent.
M&T Bank (2024 sponsor)
M&T Bank provides a comprehensive range of personal, business, and commercial banking solutions. The Burlington branch of M&T Bank is the sponsor for the 2024 inaugural season of the program.
Meet the 2024 Cohort!
Huge thanks to M&T Bank for sponsoring this year's vendors! Click on their profiles below to learn more.

Interested in supporting this program?
To ensure this program can continue to incubate amazing new Burlington food businesses in the future, we need support! Click below if you are interested in being a sponsor.
- The Business Support Team
- Guidelines for Business Operations
- Business Training & Webinars
- Marketing Support
- Vendor Opportunities
- Finding Space
- Financial Resources
- Revolving Loan Programs
- Support our Borrowers
- Burlington Parklet Program
- Cart Vendor Incubation Program
- Venues
- Burlington Safety and Security Guide